By Lim pikajuna

here to buy at marketplace.
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Waterbirth vessel, a birthing tub for mother-to-be to deliver baby
*specially deigned for mother-to-be to sit in it comfortably to deliver baby.*
1) Birthing Tub / birthing seat/swing-out grab bar and water only 5 prims
2)all the "bath tub" and swing-out grab bar for hanging is not link up.
so you have to select all when you move the "bath Tub" to position
after you have to reset all the script .
3.)animation pose
click on the Tub------mother poses
click on water -------Doctor poses
click on the shadow -----father poses,
4.) click on "swing out grab" it will open and close.
5.) 2 types A and B
enjoy...thank for your support