Fully equipped Max mini-stage
for Live concerts, events, performances and more

watch video here:-
How to rez and setup please watch video here :-
100% Mesh
98 land impacts [full set]
stage rez size = 30 meter X 11 meter.
Use Rezzer to rez .[ Rezzer is plus in lighting remote controller]
including :-
a. Stage with stair, Awning and light beam [auto dimming]
b. Truss = Loudspeaker and lighting-supported truss system
c. Lighting = sport light , multi color follow sport [ sportlight will
follow actresses on stage] and 4 color floor light
d. Background animation screen = use remote controller
e Sound system = a pair Loudspeaker and subwoofer
f. Music Instrument = 2 microphones /stand ,Bass Amp ,Guitar ,
Guitar amp ,keyboard ,keyboard amp
and drum-set. [drum with animation pose]
g.2 big banner or Poster or projection screen]
h. dancing machine = touch and dance for public [119 animation poses]
sound Audience = touch Audience Applause sound .
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