- Sky Box [use rezzer]
- Size 34 x57 m
- All complete set only 86 land impact
a. sky box
b. front stage /back stage and runway
c.Audience stage
d.36 Audience led chair with female and male pose [blue and pink]
e.LED DJ Booth [ Dj animation pose]
f. DJ gear [ add your own music channel [URL] in notes card. ]
g. Lighting controller for Followspot and audience hall light.
h. lighting units and 6 units followspot light .
i.stage red curtain [click to change it visible/invisible] Or set it to video screen.[only Owner version]
j. and the applause sign = click for applause sound .[for public ]
k. invisible stage runway divider to protect falling down.
How to rez it at sky :-
please watch the video at top .