Paddle Boat 2.0 Rezzer [ 3 Land Impact]
Only for SL water
- 100%Mesh
- Paddle boat only 2 Land Impact -very low prim
- driven menu
- Access= owner and Public
- 2seater/driver and Passenger [ 2 animation poses]
-4 Color to choose - green/pink/blue and yellow
- all the texture map in object content is full perm.
###How To ride a Boat####
- Click the rezzer -select Boat-
-Rez a boat
-Touch the Boat Body start ride.**Important*
-anyone can ride the Boat ----if you select public in permission
-copy and modify version
[After sit on the boat ,Click the boat to pop up the driven menu]or right click select "touch"
-Vehicle access....Public and Owner
-Boat Speed....High,Medium and Low
1.touch "Boat " to drive boat...WASD key
2.touch" Boat's chair " for 2nd person [passenger]
3.when you click "stand" the boat will Auto delete.
4.If you wish to stop the paddle boat Auto delete, uncheck the
'temporary' box, and then delete the test ride script from the content ,after rezzer boat
Please test the boat in-world before buy.