Thursday, January 5, 2017

Rental Bot and Teleport system for The Ship Hotel

by Lim Pikajuna

This item only design for THE SHIP HOTEL ,
.You have to buy the hotel structure first..

-Using AUTO-REZ FAUX system-

#100% Mesh
# 55 Land Impact
# Use Rezzer to rez all Rental bot and teleport system for every single room ,Gym room and swimming pool .
    ** teleport is only teleport up to the room balcony
# please see the photo below:- how to rez the rental bot and teleport

How to use Auto-Rez Faux System

1) Take out [Rez-Box] (Package Crate)from your inventory
     put it at rez point center ( show in pic )

2) the arrow much follow the rez point red arrow direction.

3) click the rezzer to select "Rez" to rez the item

4) Click on 'Derez' to put the item away(delete) or

5) click 'Save' to lock that item into place. Once it is saved, it cannot be moved again
or Derezed.

6) Delete the Rezzer after Done..............enjoy

# Rental Bot for 12 Deluxe room ,14 Suite Room ,

     How to set the price ,Prim and week for rental Bot ..please watch the video below:-

# Help Note#     [use chat commands]
please click and enable edit mode rental before typing commands!!!

set price ? | sets price of space to whatever ? is
[Example] set price 256? is

set weeks ? | sets weeks to whatever ? is
[Example] set weeks 5? is

set prims ? | sets prims to whatever ? is
[Example] set prims 25? is

set offset ? | sets info box offset to whatever ? is
[Example] set offset <129>? is

set renter ? | sets name of renter to whatever ? is
[Example] set renter Jaens Ah? is

set offset ? | sets info box offset to whatever ? is
[Example] set offset <129>? is

set rented for ? | sets how long rented for in days:hours:min's:seconds this info is put where ? is
[Example] set rentedfor 5day:4hours: 20mins:20second? is

Teleport System

Example : if you want too see the A1 hotel room, just click the  Room a1 below "Teleport"
it will send you to the a1 room balcony.

#change rez point to invisible - it easy .see pic below:-

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